Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Protect Your Computer from Malware

Malware is the no.1 cause of internet frauds and scams and directly affects the finances of tons of families.

Would it surprise you to learn that millions of computers in the US are infected with malware? And that could also be one of yours.

Malware, short for malicious software, includes viruses and spyware that get installed on your computer or mobile device without you knowing it. Criminals use malware to steal personal information and commit fraud. For example, they may use malware to steal the login information for your online accounts or to hijack your computer and use it to send spam. An infected computer can lead to serious problems, like identity theft.

Look at the video below to learn more about how to avoid, detect, and get rid of malware. Avoiding and getting rid of malware is a big step towards taking care of your finances.


Sunday, November 17, 2013


Want to know the difference between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13? Here is an infographic to help you understand it in a simple manner. Please feel free to share it and leave your feedback and comments below. 

For helping you get a better understanding of Bankruptcy, we have setup a Bankruptcy Information Center at our website.

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